• Implementation Support Agency (ISA): World Bank
  • Total project financing: $125 million
  • Funding from GCFF: $23.9 million
  • GCFF Financing Approval Date: 05/31/2022
  • Project Closing Date: 05/30/2029
  • % Disbursed: 39.5%
  • Project Rating: Satisfactory
  • Status: Under implementation
Agriculture Resilience, Value Chain Development, and Innovation (ARDI) Program

About the project

After a relatively moderate contraction in 2020, the Jordanian economy rebounded at 2.2 percent in 2021, supported by accommodative monetary and fiscal policies and the reopening of the economy. Jordan is facing increasing pressures on poverty, income distribution, and inclusion. The inflow of Syrian refugees has presented challenges and opportunities for the development of the agri-food sector. Fresh fruit and vegetables offer major export opportunities but face challenges of (i) loss of key market access due to the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars and (ii) an inadequate enabling environment with poor public enabling services. The program is aligned with the World Bank Group (WGB)’s twin goals. The Program is focused on results that improve livelihoods and boost job opportunities for the poorest people, in alignment with the Bank’s FY17–FY22 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Jordan. It reflects the priorities of the WBG Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Enlarged Strategy, which focuses on harnessing human capital, leveraging digital technologies, and maximizing finance for development (MFD).

Project Development Objective (PDO)

To strengthen the climate resilience and enabling environment for agriculture development in selected value chains in Jordan. The program’s activities will benefit a broad range of stakeholders in the agri-food sector under:
1. result area 1, climate resilience and sustainability, and
2. results area 2, competitiveness and exports.

Project Implementation Status
(As of December 31, 2022)

The ARDI Program reached effectiveness on November 10th, 2022, and implementation has started on January 1st, 2023. From January 8th-17th the World Bank team has conducted the first implementation supervision mission of the program to ensure a timely and effective start of the program. During the mission, the World Bank team and implementing agencies have discussed and agreed on practical matters of initial implementation arrangements, including i) the timely staffing, scope, and hiring process of the delivery unit, ii) the verification of disbursement linked indicators, iii) safeguards requirements and related actions, iv) prioritization and sequencing of planned actions for the first year of the program. The mission also discussed a restructuring of the IPF component ($ 5.5 Million) embedded in the overall Program-for-Results (PforR) program to support the delivery of DLIs in the first year of the program, in alignment with the program’s scope and objectives.