- Implementation Support Agency (ISA): World Bank
- Total project financing: $187.6 million
- Funding from GCFF: $37.6 million
- GCFF Financing Approval Date: 01/07/2020
- Project Closing Date: 03/31/2023
- % Disbursed: 82.3%
- Status: Under implementation

About the project
The program contributes directly to the health sector goals of Colombia’s National Development Plan (PND) and to the strategic vision of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS). The goals of the proposed operation of improving quality and efficiency contribute, in the longer term, to strengthening the financial sustainability of the Colombian health system and, in this sense, mirror the title of the government’s health sector program supported by this PforR: Health for all with quality and efficiency, sustainable by all. This Program for Results (PforR) is structured around two results areas: (a) Results area 1: improve the quality of health care services; and (b) Results area 2: improve efficiency in the health system (SGSSS).
Project Development Objective (PDO)
To support improvements in the quality of health care services and in the efficiency of the health system.
Project Implementation Status
(As of December 31, 2022)
- On August 7, 2022, a new government started its period with a different approach to some of the strategies that were advancing.
- Despite the different actions implemented, the result indicator “Increase in the percentage of women with Early Detection at the time of diagnosis¨ still presents challenges and will be restructured. Regarding the other two indicators the indicator related to the regulation on the methodology for the control in the introduction of high-cost medicines requires more time for its issuance, and the indicator correspondent to the EPS accreditation manual, needs to be restructured according to the priorities of the new government. To achieve the objectives and the end target of the project, the Government of Colombia – GoC will request an extension of the closing date for 15 months, until June 2024, which would give the opportunity to align with the new objectives of the government, continuing with the technical support the Bank is providing. On November 15 to 18, the Bank did a supervision mission where the teams had the opportunity to explore how to start the working on a new operation, and on the extension of the project. During the supervision mission, various alternatives were discussed for the restructuring of the two disbursement indicators.
- A Technical assistance is in place to support the completion of the DLRs that were adverse effected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and its being advancing in the support to the Ministry to increase the number of migrant population affiliate to the health insurance. The Program Action Plan is being implemented as required and risks remain the same.
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