- Implementation Support Agency (ISA): Islamic Development Bank
- Total project financing: $100 million
- Funding from GCFF: $21 million
- GCFF Financing Approval Date: 04/20/2017
- Project Closing Date: 10/16/2020
- % Disbursed: 100%
- Status: Closed

About the project
The proposed project directly supports two out of four key objectives of Jordan’s National Health Strategy (2016-2020). Objective 1 aims for a “Good Governance and Policy Environment to Promote Health System Performance”. This will be supported through the project’s technical assistance component, which will propose strategies to improve health system efficiency. Objective 3 focuses on providing “Health, Financial and Social Protection for all Citizens based on Fair Grounds”. The provision of health care services to the target population contributes directly to this objective. The project contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on health (#3), poverty reduction (#1), and peace (#16). The project is technically and operationally aligned with WBG’s Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regional strategy. WBG’s MENA strategy supports peace and stability through social and economic inclusion via “four R’s” — renewing the social contract; regional cooperation; resilience to internally displaced persons and refugee shocks; and recovery and reconstruction.
Project Development Objective (PDO)
To support the Government of Jordan in maintaining the delivery of primary and secondary health services to poor uninsured Jordanians and Syrian refugees at Ministry of Health facilities and create a more efficient health system to increase fiscal space in the medium to long term.
Project Implementation Status
(As of December 31, 2022)
- The IsDB Board approved the project on May 14, 2017 following the approval of the GCFF Steering Committee on 14 April 2017. The Financing Agreement was signed between IsDB and the Government of Jordan on 3 August 2017 and was declared effective on 27 November 2017. On 27 November, an amount of US$ 21.00 million, representing the allocation approved by the Steering Committee of the GCFF to render concessional IsDB financing, was transferred from Trust Fund of the GCFF to IsDB. The entire IsDB allocation of USD 100 million has been disbursed as of Jan 2020.
- During the review period, the Government of Jordan (GoJ) submitted a concise project completion Report and as per the Bank’s procedure the official closure of the project was completed following the review and feedback of the GoJ on the final repayment schedule prepared by the Bank.
- The Operations Department has alerted the Global Practices and Operations Evaluation Departments on the completion of the project. Accordingly, the two Departments have tabled the project for undertaking the Project Completion and Project Post-evaluation Reports, respectively.