- Implementation Support Agency (ISA): European Investment Bank
- Total project financing: $186.3 million
- Funding from GCFF: $30 million
- GCFF Financing Approval Date: 10/01/2021
- Project Closing Date: 12/31/2032
- % Disbursed: 0%
- Status: Under implementation

About the project
The facility will provide partial portfolio guarantees to local financial intermediaries (FIs), either banks or microfinance institutions, under the Global Concessional Finance Facility (GCFF) – Private Sector Operations framework. GCFF supports middle income countries impacted by the influx of refugees, in this case Jordan as a pilot country. By providing a partial risk protection to FIs in form of guarantees on underlying debt-financing granted to MSMEs on a portfolio basis, the operation will encourage the intermediaries in lending underserved and vulnerable groups of the Jordanian society (including women, youth and refugees) as well as affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
Project Development Objective (PDO)
The primary objective is to enhance access to finance for Jordanian micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) at better terms and conditions, in particular, through reduced collateral requirements, lower financing costs and longer maturities. The operation will also promote the financial inclusion of refugees and host communities as well as of further underserved segments of the economy.
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