WASHINGTON, D.C., February 21, 2023 – The Global Concessional Financing Facility (GCFF) announces a major contribution of US$83.36 million from the government of Japan to support the integration of refugees in middle-income countries (MICs). This makes Japan the largest donor to this facility, with a total contribution of US$182.92 million.
The World Bank and the government of Japan signed agreements to support Jordan, Lebanon, and Moldova through the GCFF, a financial intermediary fund managed by the World Bank that supports the efforts of middle-income countries in addressing the needs of refugees and host communities.
As middle-income countries continue to grapple with unprecedented influx of refugees, the GCFF is intensifying its efforts to provide direct assistance to host communities and refugees through the generous contributions of donors. This grant will enable the GCFF to better equip Jordan, Lebanon, and Moldova to boost policies and programs to assist the integration of Syrian and Ukrainian refugees.
“Japan has long been a strong advocate for human security and providing support to refugees and their host communities lies at the core of this concept. Today, as the world continues to face multiple crises, the cross-border impact of fragility, conflict and violence is exacerbating. Japan is honored to be a part of the World Bank’s effort in tacking this global issue,” said Kosei Nomura, Economic Section Minister, Embassy of Japan in the United States.
“This contribution will further deepen and strengthen the long-standing and close collaboration between, Japan and the World Bank, and we believe that this contribution will benefit both the refugees and host communities in Jordan, Lebanon, and Moldova. As the largest donor of the GCFF, Japan will continue to work closely with the World Bank and other donors to provide tailored support with countries and people affected by FCV situations,” said OE Toru, Multilateral Development Banks Division International Bureau Ministry of Finance, Japan.
The World Bank Group has a long history of supporting countries and regions impacted by forced displacement and migration. In addition to working with governments, civil society, and other partners, the World Bank Group provides a range of instruments to assist countries hosting large number of refugees. The GCFF supplements existing efforts and facilitates the integration of refugees in middle-income countries.
“The generous contribution from Japan will make a significant difference to millions of refugees and their host communities in Jordan, Lebanon, and Moldova. Forced displacement in these countries is not just a humanitarian challenge but threatens our efforts to meet our development goals,” said Soukeyna Kane, Director, Fragility, Conflict and Violence group, World Bank.
Jordan is currently hosting over 661,000 Syrian refugees and asylum seekers. Around 80% of the refugees live outside of camps, and a similarly high proportion are living on less than US$3 per day, which is below the national poverty line. Similarly, since the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022 until the end of 2022, more than 750,000 Ukrainians have crossed the border into Moldova. Over half of the 102,000 refugees who have remained in the country are children. Lebanon hosts the highest number of refugees per capita with over 1.5 million Syrians and 10,000 refugees of other nationalities. Jordan, Lebanon, and Moldova require urgent assistance to support the large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers residing within their borders.
“Providing support to middle-income countries dealing with refugee crises is a global public good. International partnerships are crucial to support development efforts in these countries. We extend our gratitude to the Government of Japan for their proactive involvement in the GCFF and for their significant contribution,” said Jorge Familiar, Vice-president and Treasurer, World Bank.
The GCFF was established in 2016 to provide concessional financing to support middle-income countries (MICs) that provide a global public good by hosting large numbers of refugees. The Facility is a partnership that brings together refugee hosting countries, donor countries, multilateral development banks, and the United Nations.
Contact: Subhash Ghimire